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Herbal Neck Wrap Knitting Pattern
Geane Helfrich

Relax and enjoy a day at the spa at home!
Finished Measurements:
4-5 inches wide and 18 inches long
30 to 24 sts=4" (see above widths)
2 hanks Classic Elite Inca Alpaca
100% alpaca
50 grams/116 yards
Size 3 US (3.25 mm) double points
3 to 4 inch sewable (not adhesive) Velcro strips or non-metal snap closures
sewing thread to match velcro
sewing needle
yarn darning needle
1 knee high stocking
2 (or 3) 1 lb. bags whole flax seeds (health food store)
favorite smelling herbal tea, dried herbs, and/or essential oils
large mixing bowl
plastic funnel or cardboard toiler pater or paper towel tube
measuring cup, scoop, or soup ladle
CO 60 stitches. Join being careful not to twist. Knit every round until piece measures 18 inches or desired length around neck. BO 30 stitches loosely. Knit to end of the round. Turn your work and purl remaining 30 sts. Cont working back and forth in St st (knit one row, purl one row) until flap measures 2 inches. Loosely BO all stitches.
With yarn and darning needle, sew cast on edge closed. With sewing needle and thread, sew one half velcro strip (or non-metal snaps) to purl side of flap and other half velcro strip to corresponding knit side of tube beneath cast off edge.
Prepare filling: In large mixing bowl, combine 1 lb. flax seeds and your herbal smelly stuff. For every one pound of seeds I add 3 chamomile, 1 raspberry, and 1 peppermint tea bag. Repeat for each pound flaxseed. I also add a few drops of lavender oil - imparts a soothing scent.
Fill knee high stocking with seeded mixture to correspond with length of knitted tube. You may want to put the toe of the stocking into a coffee cup to hold it in place while you stuff it, smashing down the mixture. Tie a knot in the top of the stocking (as close to the top of seeds as possible).
Push the filled stocking into the knitted tube being careful of the velcro. Holding the top of the tube and shaking it up and down helps a lot. Close the velcro or snaps and microwave the whole thing for 2-4 minutes on high. (Now you know why you can't use metal snaps!!)
Other filling possibilities: small smooth stones, beads, etc. Rice filling tends to smell burnt after while. I do not vouch for the ability heat alternative items. It's best to experiment.
See Abbreviations and the Glossary for help.