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Knitters Will Love...
Join a Knitting Guild in your area and share your knowledge or learn new skills. It's a chance to meet other knitters and make new friends as well!
Knitting Guilds
South Australia
The Handknitters Guild of South Australia
Meets at the RSL hall, Arthur St, Unley, Sth Australia, phone 08 82941612, the first Saturday of each month 2pm to 4.30 pm. Workshop on the 3rd Saturday from 2pm to 4.30 pm winter and 5 pm summer
Contact: Patricia Little-littlepatriciaann@msn.com.au
Handknitters Guild Inc, Vic.
Three groups meet monthly in suburban Melbourne.
Contact: Janet O'Dell -janet@techinfo.com.au
The Knitters Guild NSW Inc
Five separate Sydney suburban groups, plus 6 country groups, meet monthly in various locations throughout the state.
Contact: info@knittersguildnsw.org.au